
Playgroup is run by families for families. Your contribution helps us continue to provide an exciting environment for you and your children to engage with. 

Our fee/donation structure is below:

1 child (over 1 year)

1 Session Per Week $50 per term 
2 Sessions Per Week $73 per term 

2 children (over 1)

1 Session Per Week $65 per term 
2 Sessions Per Week $95 per term 

3 children (over 1 year)

1 Session Per Week $80 per term 
2 Sessions Per Week $118 per term

While it is termed a ‘donation’ it is expected that each family will pay these fees; you will be issued a receipt at the end of the financial year, which you can use to claim a tax rebate.

For more information, including our bank details, feel free to chat to one of our committee members.